Weather 2019

Weather observations for 2019.
It has rained 418.2 mm rain in 2019.
21/08/2019 rained it most as much as 73.8 mm rain during a day.

The lowest temperature measured is 4.6 °C den 11/01/2019 and maximum temperature is measured 23/07/2019 with as much as 36.4 °C.

It has been 166 days with over 25 degrees, 85 days with over 30 degrees and 4 days with over 35 degrees.

All weather data are unofficial observations made in Old Town. The observations may be deficient. Observations are missing from February 19 to March 23, 2019.

Temperature, average 2019:

Temperature, maximum 2019:
Temperature, minimum 2019:
Temperature, maximum and minimum 2019:
Windstrength, average 2019:
Windstrength, maximum 2019:
Windstrength, minimum 2019:

Rain, aggregated 2019:

Visits: 30

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